
Credit of “Bipolar”
Producer: Shinya Chifu
Creative Director: Masato Mitsunari
Camera:Saho Wajimaya , Masato Mitsunari / Editor: Suguru Yamato
Design: Takuya Kusunoki / Music: Yuki Yano
Marketer: Keiji Saka

ストリートファッションに身を包む、おばんざい店店主・山岸氏。本編では、 かけ離れたイメージのあるライフスタイルと和食料理という2つの面を強調し、 二極性を超えた物事の本質をあぶり出していきます。このシーンは近江町市場での仕入れの風景。 目利きする山岸氏の、料理人としての確かな「目」が光ります。
The man in street style fashion is Mr. Yamagishi, the owner of the Japanese "Obanzai" Restaurant Ukigusa. In this film, we put emphasis on 2 sides that are lifestyle and Japanese food, which seems so different from one another, and tried to illustrate the nature of things through something more than bipolarity. In the first scene, he goes to food shopping at local marketplace called "Ohmicho" and selects the best ingredients he can find with his eyes shinning.

店に戻り、仕込みを行う山岸氏。下ごしらえし、出汁を取り…。 てきぱきとおばんざいを仕上げ、その合間には品書きをしたためています。 ていねいな仕事ぶりと、客に対する真摯な姿勢がうかがえます。
In the second scene, he gets back to the restaurant and prepares for dinner time. He wastes no time while cooking the "obanzai" dishes and writes today's menu in between. We can see his careful manner and sincere attitude to his work and his customer.

シャツのボタンを留め、前掛けを締める山岸氏。店の主として、 いよいよスイッチが入る瞬間です。鋭い眼差しと引き締まった口元に、 料理への信念とプライドが現れています。
At the moment he fastens buttons of his shirts, he gets switched on as a chef. His sharp eyes and determined mouth show his faith and pride to his dish.
〒920-0981 石川県金沢市片町2-12-14 雅ビル1F
tel: 076-255-0528 / open: 16:00~24:00(L.O.23:00)
map: Google Map