Mercedes-Benz Kanazawa

Mercedes-Benz Kanazawa
Credit of “Cloud nine”
Producer: Shinya Chifu
Creative Director: Masato Mitsunari
Camera: Ichiro Mae, Saho wajimaya, Yuki Iida
Editor: Suguru Yamato
Design: Takuya Kusunoki
Marketer: Keiji Saka
Music: Yuki Yano
Model: Kana Yamagishi
Copy: Ikumi Sato

日本で唯一の、波打ち際をクルマで走行できる 石川県・千里浜なぎさドライブウェイを舞台にストーリーは展開する。 視線の先にあるのは、カバーに覆われた1台の車。これから始まる“何か”を期待させる。
The story takes place in Chirihama Nagisa Driveway. It is an only national road you can drive along the beach in Japan. There is a covered vehicle beyond her gaze which makes us expect whats's about to happen.

The car is uncovered and Mercedes CLA appears. A lady looking at curvaceous shape of the car seems proud to be an owner of it.

Staff walk towards the same direction one by one at the same pace, which illustrates that their objective are the same eventhough they belong to different sections of the company.

Receptionist welcomes customers at the car dealer located on the beach. They takes care of customer's first impression in a polite way.

Sales planners talk not only about business but about a wonderful life with a Mercedes. Their passion for work appears on thier face.

Service advisers listens to the clients carefully and fullfil thier mission to connect clients with mechanics.

Mechanics plays a big part of customer's car life. It's like they have a conversation with car using thier advanced knowledge, skills and keen senses.

Two Mercedes drive through the sunset beach. The body of the car reflects sparkles of waves and moves smoothly. It seems like the car itself enjoys to run.

チームとしての一体感が現れるエンディング。何事にも、そして何よりも仕事に熱を入れて取り組むメルセデスベンツ・金沢の姿勢が「party hard, work even harder.」の言葉に込められている。
A sense of unity appears at the end. The phrase "party hard, work even harder" describes how they are passionate about work more than anything else.
〒920-0997 石川県金沢市間明町1丁目260
tel: 076-292-8888 / open: 9:00-18:00 (土・日・祝は18:00まで)
official site: www.i-yanase.co.jp
map: Google Map