FILM 01./ 1/365 mutter to oneself
ENIGME / 古道具と器のお店#interior
The woman owner who runs a shop of vintage tools and bowls has flexible sensitivity that atracts people. What does she think and eat in her daily life? We focused on how she spend her time and care for her customers while giving a warm look around.
FILM 02./ The Kitchen Maestro
風和利 / 創作和食料理屋#food
The figure of the chef who controls raw food materials freely and cooks with clever cooking skills is like a conductor of an orchestra. Therefore, the passionate music matches with not only how rhytmically but how beautifully he finishes his dish.
cowry coffee / 珈琲焙煎所#cafe
A cup of coffee brewed carefully creates the flux of time that's almost like listening to a great piece of music. The image and the timbre of piano stir your poetical imagination and arranges a peaceful moment.
FILM 04./ Bipolar
雨㐂草 / おばんざい料理店#food
時間の経過とともに、料理人へとギアチェンジしていく男の脈動に引き込まれる。Street culture and Japanese food. It loos like just the opposite at first glance, but for him, they are food to widen his interpretation of the world. The film draw people into world of the man who shift gears as time passes.
FILM 05./ Jack of all trades
Pan Studio / 美容室#beauty
個性豊かな面々と真摯に向き合い、最高のサービスでもてなす店主の日常を、エスプリの利いた演出でテンポ良く見せていく。A hair salon that diverse people walk into everyday. The film shows everyday life of the owner who faces with their unique personality seriously and provides the best service.
FILM 06./ Lucky dip
Cazahana / インテリアショップ#interior
Everyone of us experienced a sense of expectation when we searched for treasure and the joy of discovery when we finally found it. what is this man in forest searching for? A story of a man that's fragile but also beautiful...